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Autocad 2012 Language Pack PT BR: Best Practices and Recommendations for Using It


Then double click the MSI file in there. e.g. To install the 64-bit German language pack for Autodesk Navisworks Manage, double-click x64/NAVMAN/de-DE/NAVMAN_LP.msi. You'll need to do this for each language and version of Navisworks you want to install a language pack on.

autocad 2012 language pack pt br

To open Navisworks in the new language you can create a shortcut and add the argument below to the shortcut name-lang **language code**So in this example the shortcut is: -"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Navisworks Manage 2012\roamer.exe" -lang de-DE This can also be done when initially installing the product, simply select the Language or additional Language Packs to install during standalone installation or a deployment, the additonal language packs can be found in the same locations as above.

These language packs are freely downloadable from You can apply them on your existing (e.g. English) Inventor version to add one or more additional UI languages. The installation packages of the individual language packs have only cca 90MB each.After you install a Language pack, the launch icon for the specific Inventor version is created automatically. This icon defines the UI language as a runstring parameter for Inventor.exe - e.g.:"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Inventor 2013\Bin\Inventor.exe" /language=DEUThe individual 3-letter language codes for the paramater "/language" are following:English - ENU German - DEU French - FRA Italian - ITA Spanish - ESP Japanese - JAP Chinese (simplified) - CHS Chinese (traditional) - CHT Korean - KOR Czech - CSY Polish - POL Russian - RUS Portugese (brasilian) - PTB So you can run a single Inventor installation even in multiple languages at the same time: 2ff7e9595c


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